
Tire Waste Campaign


Project Details

As part of an effort to reduce tire waste, the California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle) initiated a statewide public education campaign to increase proper tire maintenance. To help guide the development of the campaign and evaluate its effectiveness, Public Values conducted a residential survey just prior to the launch of the campaign and again 15 months later to compare changes in awareness and behavior over time. Focus groups were conducted to test public service announcements for print and radio.


The study documented an increase in the proportion of residents who were aware of proper tire maintenance practices and benefits and tracked positive changes in consumer behavior.

Business Recycling Survey

LA County Department of Public Works

Residential Recycling Campaign

LA County Department of Public Works

Awareness, Attitude & Usage Study

Kern County Waste Management Department

Latino Outreach Campaign

South Coast Air Quality Management District

General Awareness, Attitude & Usage

South Coast Air Quality Management District

Public Opinion Poll

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

Drive Clean Campaign

California Air Resources Board

Check Before You Burn

South Coast AQMD

E-Waste Campaign
