Public Policy

The State of Marriage

CA Dept. of Health and Human Services

Project Details

The California Health Marriages Coalition (CHMC), a nonprofit funded through a grant from Health and Human Services, contracted with Public Values to conduct a telephone survey of 2,000 California residents. The purpose of the survey was to establish a baseline for a comprehensive evaluation of marriage education programs provided by CHMC. The survey was used to document Californians’ attitudes and behaviors toward marriage, divorce, and other relationships, their satisfaction with various educational programs, and to serve as a baseline against which changes in beliefs and practices could be measured over time.


Findings were examined by a variety of demographic variables including gender, age, income, ethnicity, and language spoken to identify recommendations for improving the delivery of services, marketing, and outreach to specific populations.

Economic Development

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

Consumer Healthcare Priorities

Council of Accountable Physician Practices

Workers Compensation

OneCall Care Management

Underage Drinking

Orange County Health Care Agency

Perceptions on Police & Safety

U.S. Department of Justice